Monday, October 6, 2014

Care Package Gathering

Thanks to all the volunteers that donated and helped create the 70+ care packages this weekend. Our very own Saddleback High School Ministry (HSM) got involved and like an "Army" they knocked it out of the park. They are fun and really great to serve alongside. We, the old-folgy's, take our hats off to them. <Bow with hats off> 

 Thank you to Hannah and AC for putting this together and involving the HSM volunteers with the Veterans Ministry.

The HSM volunteers took time to write personal notes expressing their gratitude to the veterans will be visiting next weekend.

The next generation of Christians coming from Saddleback Church are eager to serve veterans through Christ.

Our normal meeting place at the Refinery was reserved so we moved upstairs with the help of our HSM counterparts. We apologize to any volunteers that missed the gathering due to the last minute change in venue. 

Next Saturday we are delivering the packages to veterans at the "spinal ward" of the VA Long Beach Medical Center